Friday, February 05, 2016

Sunrise...Early Morning...Heading Home

Beautiful mornings!
Bright eyed and bushy tailed!
Just a tad early!
Some of the most beautiful sights!
There's a few deer
We are so thankful for her and so glad I found her!
This was an experience we had to track her.
This was one happy guy!
Steven got her and she fell got up and ran into the bush 
we had to search everywhere for her could 
not find her went back into blind then 
Charles came to get us we drove where the 
mark was in road where she fell searched again
I found her this time luckily otherwise the coyotes 
would have got her, I cried thanked her 
and then Steven drug her out through the cactus.
So So thankful and we will appreciate every single meal!
Now for the real work to begin...
So Tommy had to check her out by age and he saw her "collar"
and found a peppermint in her mouth he said this one was Annabelle!
She really was a great size doe!
Tommy's peppermint!
Headed home!
Tears always tears saying goodbye... :(
Almost home and this fantastic sunset in Needville!
Ready to see everyone!!!!!
This was as always an incredible experience with some great people!
Middle center, life is so delicate appreciate everything 
even the things we don't understand.
Forget everything else.
Be Grateful.

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~Stephanie Hurst~